REM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
REM Use this batch file to start IIS web sites when the server is started. To use, ensure that all following steps have been followed.
REM 1. Place this as a batch file on the server ( C:StartWebsites.bat )
REM 2. Edit the startup group policy setting for the local machine
REM PATH : ( Group Policy Object Editor – Local ComputerPolicy – Computer Configuration – Windows Settings – Scripts – Startup)
REM 3. Add a script with the path to the batch file as the script name ( Script Name: C:StartWebsites.bat )
REM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
REM CScript Host is required to use IIS command line tools
cscript.exe //H:CScript
REM Start web sites
REM web sites
iisweb /start wiki
iisweb /start development
REM Reset default scripting host to WScript in case anything else depends on it.
cscript.exe //H:WScript