FROM sys.all_objects
WHERE modify_date > ‘20120628 00:00:00’
Month: June 2012
Remote table-valued function calls are not allowed
Error: Remote table-valued function calls are not allowed
Fix: use “WITH (NOLOCK)” instead of just “(NOLOCK)
Explanation: When issuing a select that has uses four part naming to address the table and the table has a (nolock) hint, the t-sql will fail to execute with the error “Remote table-valued function calls are not allowed.”
If you execute the query with 3 or 2 part naming it runs without error.
To get the query to work using 4 part naming you have to put the “with” keyword before the (nolock).
‘SERVERNAME’ is not configured for RPC
Error: Server ‘SERVERNAME’ is not configured for RPC
Problem: Attempting to execute a stored procedure across a SQL Server Linked Server
Fix: Enable “rpc out”
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'LINKEDSERVERNAME' , @optname=N'rpc out' , @optvalue=N'true' GO