(local)instance – loopback
tcp:servernameinstance – tcp/ip
lpc:servernameinstance – shared memory
np:servernameinstance – named pipes
SQL Server Network Client Utility 32/64bit
You can set up SQL Server aliases on a Windows Server or PC using the Network Client Utility even if they don’t have the SQL Server Client tools installed.
The trick is to keep in mind that there are two different SQL Server Network Client Utility runtimes on a 64-bit machine.
If you are running a 32-bit Operating System, you will have only 32 bit drivers installed.
If you are using a 64 bit machine, the default utility will be for 64-bit data sources.
If you have a 64bit OS and are trying to access an alias in your 32bit application and receive the error check to see if you have an alias configured for the architecture of your application ( 32-bit / 64-bit ).
Use this utility to Review 64-Bit aliases and protocols
Use this utility to Review 32-bit aliases and protocols
Additional info:
Recovering access
Local admins can get into instance when sysadmin access has been lost by starting the server in single user mode. Here is how recover a sysadmin account without having to restart. Prior to 2008 BUILTINAdministrators was by default a member of sysadmin. In 2008/2008R2 that login was not added by default, but NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM still is.
psexec -s -i cmd
create login [login] from windows
exec [sys].[sp_addsrvrolemember] 'login', 'sysadmin';
Powershell ISE
Powershell ISE is not installed by default on Windows Server 2008 R2
To install it, launch Powershell and enter the following commands:
Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature PowerShell-ISE
Rebuild Indexes and Update Statistics
Rebuild Indexes, then update statistics.
An index rebuild also updates index statistics with 100% sample rate.
After an index rebuild, only statistics not updated by the index-rebuild need to be updated.
An index re-org/defrag does not update statistics
In SQL Server 2005+ sp_updatestats only updates the statistics that need to be updated.
How to get out of SINGLE_USER mode
USE [master]
GOSELECT ‘kill ‘ + cast(spid as varchar)
FROM master.sys.sysprocesses
WHERE dbid = DB_ID(‘dbname’)
GOSELECT ‘kill ‘ + cast(request_session_id as varchar)
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks
WHERE resource_database_id = DB_ID(‘dbname’)
GOSELECT ‘kill ‘ + cast(session_id as varchar)
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
WHERE database_id = DB_ID(‘dbname’)
GO–KILL any processes connected to dbname
exec sp_dboption ‘[dbname] ‘, ‘single user’, ‘FALSE’;
Disk Partition Alignment Best Practices for SQL Server

Disk Partition Alignment Best Practices for SQL Server
Bytes per Cluster for Data/Log/TempDB disks: 65536 (64K)
Bytes per Cluster for OS, Application, Pagefile disks: 4096 (default 4K)
Check using:
fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo d:
Default offset since Windows Server 2008 has been aligned at 1024k, may need to align to 1024k for disks formatted prior to Server 2008.
Check using:
wmic partition get BlockSize, StartingOffset, Name, Index
select disk 1
list part
Clear Readonly Disk Attrib

Just got a spanky new VM for my squirrel server and the sysadmin took off for the holiday and left the drives offline.
Disk Management for whatever reason was no help, even running as Administrator. The disks were flagged as readonly by policy and would not online or initialize via the GUI tool.
So break out the cmd window and get to DISKPARTying
select disk #
online disk
detail disk
attribute disk clear readonly
detail disk
Now can close and reopen Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) and it can now initialize the disks 🙂
Why isn’t there a
function for
Time zone conversion that is Daylight savings time aware
After a cursory search, could not find any built-in for SQL Server that do this or anything on the net and had to knock something out very quick. Would be very interested in a more efficient manner to convert to DateTimeOffset in a way that is daylight savings time aware. This bit of code gives me 3 years to find a better solution. Of course would be best to just have all the servers set to UTC the problem solved! 🙂
/************************************************************************* * NAME: * dbo.toUSTZ * * TYPE: * Function * * DESCRIPTION: * Converts a US Timezone to DateTimeOffset accounting for Daylight Savings Time * DST in US begins at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday of March and * ends at 2:00 a.m. on the first Sunday of November * REF: http://www.nist.gov/pml/div688/dst.cfm * * RETURNS: * datetimeoffset(0) (ie: '2014-10-31 18:25:51 +00:00') * * PARAMETERS: * @thedate datetime2 --the date to be converted * @timezone char(2) --date's US time zone * Code ST DST Time Zone * UT +0 +0 Universal Time * AT -4 -4 Atlantic * ET -5 -4 Eastern * CT -6 -5 Central * MT -7 -6 Mountain * AZ -7 -7 Arizona * PT -8 -7 Pacific * AK -9 -8 Alaska * HT -10 -10 Hawaii * ST -11 -11 Samoa * CH +10 +10 Chamorro * * TODO: Add additional years and/or find more elegant way to do this... * REF: http://www.nist.gov/pml/div688/localtime.cfm#zones * * REVISION HISTORY: * 20141102 JMO Created *************************************************************************/ ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[toUSTZ] ( @thedate datetime2 , @timezone char(2) ) RETURNS datetimeoffset(0) AS BEGIN DECLARE @offsettime datetimeoffset(0) , @tzoffset varchar(10) --TODO: need function for second sunday in march and first sunday in november -- or make lookup table - but would it be more efficient? IF @thedate BETWEEN '20100314 02:00:00' AND '20101107 01:59:59' OR @thedate BETWEEN '20110313 02:00:00' AND '20111106 01:59:59' OR @thedate BETWEEN '20120311 02:00:00' AND '20121104 01:59:59' OR @thedate BETWEEN '20130310 02:00:00' AND '20131103 01:59:59' OR @thedate BETWEEN '20140309 02:00:00' AND '20141102 01:59:59' OR @thedate BETWEEN '20150308 02:00:00' AND '20151101 01:59:59' OR @thedate BETWEEN '20160313 02:00:00' AND '20161106 01:59:59' OR @thedate BETWEEN '20170312 02:00:00' AND '20171105 01:59:59' OR @thedate BETWEEN '20180311 02:00:00' AND '20181104 01:59:59' BEGIN SELECT @tzoffset = CASE @timezone WHEN 'UT' THEN '+00:00' WHEN 'AT' THEN '-04:00' WHEN 'ET' THEN '-04:00' WHEN 'CT' THEN '-05:00' WHEN 'MT' THEN '-06:00' WHEN 'AZ' THEN '-07:00' WHEN 'PT' THEN '-07:00' WHEN 'AK' THEN '-08:00' WHEN 'HT' THEN '-10:00' WHEN 'ST' THEN '-11:00' WHEN 'CH' THEN '+10:00' ELSE NULL END END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @tzoffset = CASE @timezone WHEN 'UT' THEN '+00:00' WHEN 'AT' THEN '-04:00' WHEN 'ET' THEN '-05:00' WHEN 'CT' THEN '-06:00' WHEN 'MT' THEN '-07:00' WHEN 'AZ' THEN '-07:00' WHEN 'PT' THEN '-08:00' WHEN 'AK' THEN '-09:00' WHEN 'HT' THEN '-10:00' WHEN 'ST' THEN '-11:00' WHEN 'CH' THEN '+10:00' ELSE NULL END END SET @offsettime = todatetimeoffset( @thedate, @tzoffset ) RETURN(@offsettime) END --f_toUSTZ GO /************************************************************************* * NAME: * dbo.toUTC * * TYPE: * Function * * DESCRIPTION: * Converts to UTC DateTimeOffset accounting for Daylight Savings Time * * RETURNS: * datetimeoffset(0) (ie: '2014-10-31 18:25:51 +00:00') * * PARAMETERS: * @thedate datetime2 --the date to be converted * @timezone char(2) --the date's US time zone * Zone ST DST * UT +0 +0 Universal Time * AT -4 -4 Atlantic * ET -5 -4 Eastern * CT -6 -5 Central * MT -7 -6 Mountain * AZ -7 -7 Arizona * PT -8 -7 Pacific * AK -9 -8 Alaska * HT -10 -10 Hawaii * ST -11 -11 Samoa * CH +10 +10 Chamorro * REF: http://www.nist.gov/pml/div688/localtime.cfm#zones * * REFERENCES: * dbo.toUSTZ * * REVISION HISTORY: * 20141102 JMO Created *************************************************************************/ CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[toUTC] ( @thedate datetime2 , @timezone char(2) ) RETURNS datetimeoffset(0) AS BEGIN DECLARE @offsettime datetimeoffset(0) , @utctime datetimeoffset(0) SET @offsettime = dbo.toUSTZ( @thedate, @timezone ) SET @utctime = switchoffset( @offsettime, '+00:00' ) RETURN(@utctime) END --toUTC GO